Donor Management System
Once you've finished syncing your DMS Groups with your desired MailChimp Audiences and/or MailChimp Groups, your DMS-Mailchimp integration is complete! Now you can start to track the emails sent from MailChimp directly in your DMS.
Adding a Mailchimp Email as a Contact's Activity
Unfortunately, at the moment, the MailChimp platform doesn't allow any API Integrations (such as the DMS) to automatically track emails sent through Mailchimp. In other words, emails currently sent through Mailchimp won't automatically log in your DMS.
However, you can still track this activity manually by adding Activities against your Contacts in bulk.
1. To do so, visit the Contacts tab
2. Under Advanced Actions, select Manage Groups
Find Manage Groups under Advanced Actions in the DMS
2. Find your the synced DMS Group or Smart Group that you'd like to record an Activity for, and select Contacts
Manage Groups page in the DMS
3. Select All Records in this group
Select All Records
4. Select the Actions menu and then Add activity
Actions in the DMS
5. On the next page, under Activity Type, select MailChimp Mailing and add any relevant details about this Activity.
Tip: We recommend filling out the Subject line and Details with the respective information from your Mailchimp email.
Activity Type menu
6. When you're ready, select Save at the bottom. This will record a MailChimp Activity under the Contact Profile of all the Synced Contacts in this group.