Frequently Asked Questions (Reports)


How do I Export DMS Data for QuickBooks Online?
Do you use QuickBooks Online software to manage your charity's bookkeeping?  Download a ready-made Quickbooks Report from your Reports Tab and easily import your DMS data into QuickBooks Online. Note : Do you use QuickBooks Deskto...
How do I report on total contribution amounts per donor for a set date range?
The DMS has standard and customizable reporting features to segment your searches for Contributions , Contacts , and Opportunities .  This article will cover how you can view total contribution amounts for each of your donors within a c...
How do I report on Funds from CanadaHelps contributions?
When donors give through, you are able to: Allow donors to chose a Fund to direct where they would like their donation dollars to go, or Assign all of the donations from a specific Campaign to a default Fund to know where to dir...