Donor Management System
After adding a Group or a Smart Group, you can manage and add new Contacts to them.
Managing Contacts in the Group or Smart Group
1. Go to the Contacts Tab
2. Select Advanced Actions on the top right corner of the screen and then on Manage Groups
Manage Groups
3. Find the desired Group or Smart Group and select Contacts next to it to see the Contacts making up this Group/Smart Group and make further changes.
See Contacts in Group
Creating New Contacts to Add to a Group
1. After selecting Contacts to view the list of Group or Smart Group Contacts (see above), select Add Contact select either Individual, Organization or Household.
Add New Contact to Group or Smart Group
2. Fill out all relevant information about your new Contact and select Save to add them to the Group.
Add new Contact to Group
Adding Existing Contacts via Search
1. After selecting Contacts to view the list of Group or Smart Group Contacts (see above), press Add Contacts to {Group Name}
Add existing Contacts to Group
2. Perform a simple search (or an Advanced Search) to find the Contact/s you wish to add
3. Once found, select the specific Contacts and then Add Contacts to {Group Name}
Image caption
4. Confirm your selection on the next page by selecting Add to Group.
Confirm selection
Note: when manually adding Contacts to a Smart Group, you will see that their Status is Added (1) as opposed to Smart (2), meaning the Smart search criteria has been overridden. Only Contacts added via the Smart search criteria will be added as Smart.
Added vs Smart Contacts
Editing the Smart Group Search Criteria
Once you add a Smart Group, you can edit and update its Advanced Search criteria (e.g. From “Contacts that donated over $500 in the past calendar year” to “Contacts that donated over $500 in the past calendar year that live in Toronto, ON”.
1. From your Manage Groups page, select Contacts to view the desired Smart Group
View Smart Group Contacts
2. Select Edit Smart Group Search Criteria For {Group Name} on the top left corner of the screen
Edit Smart Group Search Criteria
3. Edit and/or update your criteria using the Advanced Search filter provided and select Search
Edit Smart Group Criteria
4. From your updated Search Results at the bottom of your screen, select all Contacts and then from your Actions menu, select Group - update smart group.
Group - update smart group
5. On the next screen, after making any necessary updates to the Smart Group title/description, select Update Smart Group.
Confirm update to Smart Group search criteria
Performing Actions on Groups Contacts
1. After selecting Contacts to view the list of Group or Smart Group Contacts (see above), select either:
a) The specific Contacts you wish to perform an Action to,
b) Every listed Contact on the page, or
c) All Contacts in the Group or Smart Group
Select your Grouped contacts in 3 ways
2. After selecting your Contacts, select Actions at the top left and choose your desired Action.
Actions on Group Contacts