Donor Management System
Once you are fully signed up with our DMS Payment Processor, you can easily start processing live credit card and EFT (direct deposit) transactions.
–> Learn more: Understanding Live Transactions (DMS Payments)
Adding Credit Card Transactions
From the Contributions Tab (Credit Card)
1. Go to the Contributions Tab
2. Select Add Contribution on the top right corner of the screen
Add Contribution
3. Next, select DMS Payments Contribution in the top right
DMS Payments Contribution
4. You will be directed to a similar page when adding a single Offline Contribution. On this Live Contribution page, you can fill out the information about the Live Contribution, the Contact associated with it as well as their credit card and billing information:
Processing Live Transactions
Main Fields:
- Contributor: the Contact making this donation.
- Total Amount: the total monetary amount for this donation.
- Fund: the Fund this donation is going into.
Recurring Transaction Frequency:
- every: check this box to make this live transaction recurring.
- 1: the default selection is “1”. This indicates that the recurring transactions will occur every 1 month.
- month(s): the default selection is monthly. You can also select to add automatic payments daily, weekly, and yearly.
- for: add a numerical value of how many months, years, etc. (depending on your previous selection) that these recurring transactions will occur.
- Start Date: when the payments will start. You can only select a date from the time you’re adding this Online Contribution or a future one.
- Campaign: the Campaign associated with this donation.
- Payment Processor: the default is Credit Card but you can change it to EFT.
Credit Card & Billing Name and Address:
- The credit card and billing information of the Contact associated with this Online Contribution.
Contribution Details:
- Contribution Receipted: Check the box if a Tax Receipt for this Contribution has already been issued externally. Otherwise, you can leave the checkbox blank.
- Contribution Note: optional note for the whole Contribution.
In Kind donation fields
- Address of Appraiser: the full address of the Appraiser (55 character limit).
- Appraised by: who appraised this In Kind donation.
- Description of property: the description of the received Property (75 character limit).
- Original cost: the original cost of the received Property (55 character limit).
Dedication Information:
- In Memory Of: if the donation is in memory of something and/or someone.
- In Honour Of: if the donation is in honour of something and/or someone.
- Name of Honoree: the name of the honoree associated with this dedication.
- Message: optional message associated with the dedication.
Additional Details:
- Advantage Amount: the total monetary amount of the Advantage.
- Advantage Description: optional description for this Advantage (75 character limit).
- Fee Amount: external fee in addition to any CH fees (e.g. a fee from an external payment processor)
- Thank-you Date: the date and time that this donation has been thanked. The Contribution will be marked as Thanked.
5. Select Save to process and add the new Live Contribution or Save And New to process and add the Contribution and create a new one.
From a Contact Profile (Credit Card)
1. Go to the Contacts Tab
2. Search for the Contact to whom you’d like to add a credit card transaction and select their name
Search for Contact name
3. On the following page, you’ll see the Contact’s Summary Profile. Select Contributions
Contact Profile > Contributions
4. Select Add Contribution on the top right corner of the screen
Add Contribution
5. Next, select DMS Payments Contribution in the top right
Select DMS Payments
6. Fill out the information about the Live Contribution, the Contact associated with it and their credit card information:
Fill our the Contact's Live Payment details
Adding EFT Transactions
From the Contributions Tab (EFT)
1. Go to the Contributions Tab
2. Select Add Contribution on the top right corner of the screen
Add Contribution
3. Next, select DMS Payments Contribution in the top right
Credit card contribution
4. You will be directed to a similar page when adding a single Offline Contribution. On this form, you can fill out the information about the Live Contribution, the Contact associated with it as well as their direct deposit information
5. Under Payment Method, choose EFT and you will see the following fields:
Processing EFT contributions
Main Fields:
- Contributor: the Contact making this donation.
- Total Amount: the total monetary amount for this donation.
- Fund: the Fund this donation is going into.
Recurring Transaction Frequency:
- every: check this box to make this live transaction recurring.
- 1: the default selection is “1”. This indicates that the recurring transactions will occur every 1 month.
- month(s): the default selection is monthly. You can also select to add automatic payments daily, weekly, and yearly.
- for: add a numerical value of how many months, years, etc. (depending on your previous selection) that these recurring transactions will occur.
- Start Date: when the payments will start. You can only select a date from the time you’re adding this Online Contribution or a future one.
- Campaign: the Campaign associated with this donation.
- Payment Method: the default is iATS Credit Card but you can change it to EFT.
Direct Debit & Billing Name and Address:
- The direct deposit and billing information of the Contact associated with this Live Contribution.
Contribution Details:
- Contribution Receipted: Check the box if a Tax Receipt for this Contribution has already been issued externally. Otherwise, you can leave the checkbox blank.
- Contribution Note: optional note for the whole Contribution.
In Kind donation fields:
- Address of Appraiser: the full address of the Appraiser (55 character limit).
- Appraised by: who appraised this In Kind donation.
- Description of property: the description of the received Property (75 character limit).
- Original cost: the original cost of the received Property (55 character limit).
Dedication Information:
- In Memory Of: if the donation is in memory of something and/or someone.
- In Honour Of: if the donation is in honour of something and/or someone.
- Name of Honoree: the name of the honoree associated with this dedication.
- Message: optional message associated with the dedication.
Additional Details:
- Advantage Amount: the total monetary amount of the Advantage.
- Advantage Description: optional description for this Advantage (75 character limit).
- Fee Amount: external fee in addition to any CH fees (e.g. a fee from an external payment processor)
- Thank-you Date: the date and time that this donation has been thanked. The Contribution will be marked as Thanked.
6. Select Save to process and add the new Live Contribution or Save And New to process and add the Contribution and create a new one.
From a Contact Profile (EFT)
1. Go to the Contacts Tab
2. Search for the Contact for whom you’d like to add a credit card details and select their name
Search for Contact name
Contact Profile > Contributions
Add Contribution
5. Next, select DMS Payments Contribution in the top right
DMS Payments Contribution
4. You will be directed to a similar page when adding a single Offline Contribution. Under Payment Method, select EFT.
5. Fill out the information about the Live Contribution, the Contact associated with it and their direct deposit information.
Processing EFT Payments
Errors or Failed Payments
If you receive an error or failed payment when adding a live transaction, make sure that:
- The Contact has a mailing address in their Contact profile
- The donor's credit card is not expired
- The previous payment has a "Completed" status
Otherwise, reach out to your Onboarding Expert for additional support.
Next Steps
Once you've added a Live Transaction successfully, you may want to check out how to update a Contact’s Recurring DMS Payments, or take a look at how to change your Payment Processor password in the DMS.