Adding & Modifying a Single Opportunity

Donor Management System

Adding a Single Opportunity

1. To add a single Opportunity to your DMS, visit the Opportunities Tab

2. Select Add Opportunity on the upper right side of the screen

Add a new Opportunity

3. On the next page, you’ll have to provide the details about your new Opportunity and click Save.

Fill out the fields here to add a new Opportunity

  • Opportunity Name: the name of the grant, project, prospect etc.
  • Opportunity Owner: the DMS User overseeing the Opportunity (usually a member of your charity).
  • Prospect: the name of the contact (individual, organization) in the DMS who you are prospecting. You can also add a new Contact by selecting one of the ‘new’ icons.
  • Opportunity Type: if the Opportunity is a grant, donation cultivation or another project. You can also add new Types by selecting the “gear icon” under the field.
  • Opportunity Status: the stage the Opportunity is (e.g., Discovery, In Progress, Submitted). You can also add new Statuses by selecting the “gear icon” under the field.
  • Probability :  the likelihood (low, medium, high) of closing the Opportunity.
  • Opportunity Amount: the monetary amount requested for the Opportunity.
  • Amount Received: the monetary amount received for the Opportunity (if approved)
  • Application Deadline: (if applicable) the date on which the application for the Opportunity is due.
  • Application Submitted: (if applicable) has an application for the Opportunity been submitted- yes/no.
  • Decision Date: the date on which the Opportunity will be decided (approved, denied, yes/no etc.).
  • Report Due: the date on which the Opportunity Report is due.
  • Notes: optional notes for the Opportunity.

4. The Opportunity will then be added and you will be directed to the Applicant’s Opportunities section under their Contact Profile

Contact profile > Opportunities

5. You can also select the name of the Opportunity to access its details anytime

Select the Opportunity Name to see its details

Modifying a Single Opportunity

1. Go to the Opportunities Tab

2. Search for the Opportunity you wish to modify and select its Opportunity Name to see more details

Select the Opportunity Name to see its details

3. On the Opportunity details page, select Edit on the top right corner of the screen

Select Edit in the top right corner

4. On the next page, you can make any edits to your Opportunity as needed, and Save.

Example edits of the Opportunity fields

Note: To change the Prospect, you would need to create a new Opportunity at this time.