Donor Management System
If your charity receives any offline Contributions (i.e., donations not coming from CanadaHelps) such as gifts of cash, cheques, EFTs or in kind, you can take advantage of your DMS to track these one-off gifts.
This article will cover adding and modifying a single Offline Contribution. You can also add multiple Offline Contributions at once.
Adding a Single Contribution
From the Contributions Tab
1. Visit the Contributions Tab
2. Select Add Contribution on the top right corner of the screen
Add Contribution
3. Fill out all mandatory and necessary fields on the New Contribution page:
Add Contribution details
Main Fields
- Contributor: the Contact making this donation.
- You can further narrow your search based on specific criteria.
Select your desired Contact or refine your search
- Payment Method: the payment method used to make this donation.
- Transaction ID: an additional external ID in addition to the automatic one created in the DMS (e.g. ID from an external payment processor).
- Total Amount: the total monetary amount for this donation.
- Date Received: the date this donation was received.
- Fund: the Fund this donation is going into.
- Campaign: the Campaign associated with this donation.
- Source: which source the donation is coming from (e.g. Historical Data Import). You can also add a new Source by selecting +Add New Source on the right.
- When adding an offline Contribution, the default Source will be DMS Manual.
- Contributions coming from will have a default source of CanadaHelps.
Contribution Details
- Exclude From Tax Receipting: Select Yes if it is not eligible for TaxReceipting. Otherwise, you can either select No or leave the question blank.
- Contribution Receipted: Select Yes if a Tax Receipt for this Contribution has already been issued externally.
Learn more about excluding a Contribution from DMS Receipting.
- External Receipt Number: if the Contribution has been receipted externally, add the external receipt number.
- Contribution Note: optional note associated with the Contribution.
- Mark Contribution as Recurring: indicates if the donation is recurring. If it is, you still have to manually process the subsequent Contributions.
Dedication Information
- In Memory Of: if the donation is in memory of something and/or someone.
- In Honour Of: if the donation is in honour of something and/or someone.
- Name of Honoree: the name of the honoree associated with this dedication.
- Message: optional message associated with the dedication.
Additional Details
- Advantage Amount: the total monetary amount of the Advantage.
- Advantage Description: optional description for this Advantage (75 character limit).
- Fee Amount: external fee in addition to any CH fees (e.g. a fee from an external payment processor)
- Thank-you Date: the date and time that this donation has been thanked. The Contribution will be marked as Thanked.
5. Select Save to record the new Contribution.
From a Contact Profile
1. Go to the Contacts Tab
2. Search for the Contact to whom you’d like to add a Contribution and select their name
Search for a Contact
3. On the following page, you’ll see the Contact’s Summary Profile. Select Contributions
Contributions subtab
4. Select Add Contribution on the top right corner of the screen
Contact profile> Add Contribution
5. Your Contact will be pre-selected. Fill out all mandatory and necessary fields on the New Contribution page and select Save or Save and New
Select your desired Contact or refine your search
Modifying a Single Contribution
Reminder: You can fully modify offline Contributions (i.e., Contributions whose Source is not CanadaHelps). But, at this time, you can only modify select fields in CanadaHelps Contributions.
1. Go to the Contributions Tab and search for the offline Contribution you wish to modify
2. Select the Contribution’s Amount to see its Details
Select Contribution amount
3. On the Contribution Details page, select Edit on the top right corner of the screen
Edit Contribution
4. You’ll be able to modify most fields related to that Contribution, then select Save.
Edit Contribution details