Deleting a Single Contribution

Donor Management System

Have you noticed an offline Contribution record that has been added in error, or maybe one that's associated with the wrong contact? If this Contribution hasn't been receipted yet, you'll be able to delete this Contribution entirely from your DMS. This article covers how you can delete a single offline Contribution.


But before deleting a Contribution, take a moment to consider one of the alternatives below:

Deleting a Single Contribution

1. Visit the Contributions Tab and search for the Contribution you want to delete

2. Click on the Contribution Amount to see its details

Select Contribution Amount

3. On the Contribution Details page, scroll down to the bottom and select Delete Contribution

Delete Contribution

4. You'll be asked to confirm that you want to delete this Contribution. When ready, select Delete.

Note: This action can't be reversed and will remove the Contribution record entirely from your DMS. 

Confirm deletion