[Donor Management System] July 27, 2022

What's New

1. Advanced Search: Tax Receipt Sent

  •  For consistency, we've removed the “Tax receipt sent” field from the Advanced Search for Contributions. Going forward, you can use the “Contribution receipted” filter instead to view any contributions (DMS, Historic or CanadaHelps) where the "receipt number" field contains a receipt number, as well as any contributions that you have actively marked as 'receipted'.

2. Receipt Settings: Language Change

  • To avoid confusion, we've updated the language of the "Delivery Preference" label on the Tax Receipt landing page to "Delivery Method".


3. In Kind Contribution Improvement

  • Previously, some of the fields associated with an In Kind Contribution were optional. To help with your reporting, and to ensure continued compliance with CRA tax receipting guidelines, the 'Description of Property'  field is now mandatoryand will appear every time you choose your DMS' defaulted 'In kind' fund.