Assigning GL Accounts to Funds

Donor Management System

After learning how to add GL Accounts yourself, you can easily assign GL Accounts to Funds.

Assigning GL Accounts to Funds

1. Visit your Administrative Settings.

2. Under CanadaHelpsContribute, select Funds

Settings> Funds

3. On the next page, you will see a list of all of your Funds (1) and the GL Accounts associated with them (2)

Funds and their corresponding GL accounts

4. Select Accounts for your desired Fund

Funds > Accounts

5. A new page will pop up showing you a list of all the current GL Accounts associated with this Fund

6. Select Assign Account

Assign Account

7. Then, select the GL Account Relationship and which available GL Account you want to assign to the Fund

Assign GL Account to Fund

8. When ready, select Save to assign this new GL Account to your desired Fund!

Re-assigning & Removing GL Accounts

You can easily re-assign and remove already Assigned GL Accounts to Funds.

1. Visit your Administrative Settings.

2. Under CanadaHelpsContribute, select Funds

Settings> Funds

3. On the next page, you will see a list of all of your Funds (1) and the GL Accounts associated with them (2)

Funds and their corresponding GL accounts

4. Select Accounts for your desired Fund

Funds > Accounts

5. A new page will pop up showing you a list of all the current GL Accounts associated with this Fund

6. Select Delete next to your desired GL Account to remove it from your desired Fund. Accounts Receivable types cannot be deleted.

Delete GL Account

7. To re-assign this GL Account, follow the same steps of assigning a new one to Funds.

Modifying Assigned GL Accounts

You can easily modify the Relationship of already Assigned GL Accounts to Funds.

1. Visit your Administrative Settings.

2. Under CanadaHelpsContribute, select Funds

Settings> Funds

3. On the next page, you will see a list of all of your Funds (1) and the GL Accounts associated with them (2)

Funds and their corresponding GL accounts

4. Select Accounts for your desired Fund

Funds > Accounts

5. A new page will pop up showing you a list of all the current GL Accounts associated with this Fund

6. Select Edit next to your desired GL Account to modify its Relationship with the Fund

Edit GL Account

7. Select the new GL Account Relationship. You can also modify which GL Account is associate with this Fund

Modify GL Account Relationship

8. When ready, select Save to modify the Assigned GL Account to your desired Fund!