Donor Management System
Want to learn more about this feature?
Sorting allows you to further organize your Reports and is available on a limited number of Reports.
What is Sorting?
Sorting allows you to configure some aspects of your reports display, including:
1. Sorting specific Columns on your Report in ascending or descending order.
- Before:
Report sorted by prospect name in ascending order
- After:
Report sorted by prospect name in descending order
2. Placing a specific Column on as a header.
- Before:
Report that is not Grouped and without Headers
- After:
Report Sorted by First Name with corresponding Headers
Which Reports can I use Sorting for?
Grouping & Sorting can only be used on:
- New Reports that have been added through the New Report button, and
- Saved Custom Reports.
Apply Sorting to Reports
1. Go to the Reports Tab
2. Select one of your Saved or New Reports that allow for Sorting
3. On the next page, select Sorting and apply your sorting parameters (as seen in the examples above)
- Column: choose the Column to Group your results by (i.e., the one you'd like to see as section header)
- Order: order by Descending or Ascending order.
- Section Header / Group By: groups the Report results by the selected Column (above)
Sorting a New/Custom Report
Note: We recommend Grouping your Report by no more than 2 Columns or 1 Section Header