Donor Management System
Want to learn more about this feature?
In addition to filtering Reports, you can also modify the report Columns to obtain even more detailed metrics.
Which Reports can I add Custom Columns to?
Columns can modified for any report, however, the selection of Columns will vary depending on the report type and the metrics that are being used. Explore the Reports tab to find the report with the columns you need.
The purpose of a column is to display additional data in your custom Report, allowing you to see data that otherwise wouldn't have been available in your default Contacts or Contributions tabs.
Alternatively, try Advanced Searching for Contacts or Contributions to segment the information you need and export your Contact or Contribution results to a .csv file.
Adding Custom Columns to Reports
1. Visit the Reports Tab.
2. On the next page, you will see a list of our Standard Reports, organized by the following sections.
Reports tab
3. Select the Report Section to view the expanded list of Report options, or select the blue New Report button to view additional customizable Report templates.
Expand a Reports Heading
4. Select one of the Reports in order to view the available columns.
Select a Report
5. Select the Columns tab on the top left. You will see a list of available Custom Columns to choose from. Some Reports also have Custom Columns on expandable sections; click to expand.
Pick and choose your Report columns from those available
6. When your preferred Columns have been checked on, select Refresh Results at the bottom to see the updated Report.
7. You can also save and export these Reports with the selected Custom Columns or filter the Reports further.
Highly Customizable Reports
The following Reports are commonly used and have a large number of columns and filters available:
Contribution Reports
Contributions (Detailed)
Contributions for Bookkeeping
Contributions for Bookkeeping (Detailed)
Contact Reports
Contact Report (Detailed)
Activity Report
Activities (Detailed)